Welcome to Graceland (2019)
‘Welcome to Graceland’ is a photographic series showcasing the wonderful world of colour, tribute and humour that is Meath man Patsy Boylan’s everyday life. A widower with an impressive love of Elvis Presley, Patsy’s collection has mushroomed from a couple of pieces of Elvis related memorabilia into a veritable treasure trove. The eye cannot rest in this place with so much to take in. For some it is simply clutter, for others it’s a rare form of beautiful self-expression. In this body of work my aim was to capture the essence of the man and his obsession. I looked beyond the surface to the life beneath. I’m fascinated and truly impressed by this real individual – Patsy is an amazing character, a one-off. This was a lesson in escapism, a total break from the monotony of life. A unique and wonderful adventure into someone else’s world. I was drawn to the story and the sense of fun that Patsy exudes from this Elvis shrine he calls home in rural Meath. We all have our passions and Patsy wears his proudly on every surface in his home and even occasionally in the form of his Elvis replica jumpsuit. A number of the images are titled after Elvis Presley’s songs which I feel is a fitting and apt tribute to both Elvis and Patsy. In January 2020 poet Tom French officially opened the exhibition in Bailieborough Library where he read his poem ‘Patsy Presley’, penned in response to these photos. He said, ‘Ultimately, I come to realize that these photographs are not about Elvis at all. They are about us and who we are and how we apprehend and give expression to the world. What appeals to me about this work is its aesthetic – it manages simultaneously to document and to be beautiful, and that kind of economy is very appealing . . . This is an art that leaves you to your own devices and does not instruct. You go away wondering if this is the strangest thing you’ve ever seen or the most ordinary, and ultimately you go away from these images delighted, and amazed again at the wonder of it all.’